Regular Expressions in JavaScript:

Regular Expressions in JavaScript:

Mastering Regular Expressions for Text Patterns

Having the ability to search through text, validate text, and replace text using an advanced set of rules is exactly what Regex is for.

How to Create A Regular Expression:

In JavaScript, you can create a regular expression in either of two ways:

Method 1: Use a regular expression literal. This consists of a pattern enclosed in forward slashes. We can write this with or without a flag.

const regExpLiteral = /patter/; //Without flags
const regExpLiteralWithFlags = /pattern/; // with flags

The forward slashes /…/ indicate that we are creating a regular expression pattern.

Method 2: using the RegExp constructor function. The syntax is as follows:

What are Regular Expression Flags?

Flags or modifiers are characters that enable advanced search features including case-insensitive and global searching. You can use them individually or collectively. Some commonly used ones are:

  • g is used for global search which means the search will not return after the first match.

  • i is used for case-insensitive search meaning that a match can occur regardless of the casing.

  • m is used for multiline search.

  • u is used for Unicode search.

How to use a regular expression literal:

How to use a regex constructor:

We can also pass in dynamically created patterns as template literals using the constructor function:

How to Use Regular Expression Special Characters

A special character in a regular expression is a character with a reserved meaning. Using special characters, you can do more than just find a direct match.

These characters fit into different subgroups that perform similar functions.

Anchors and Boundaries:

Anchors are metacharacters that match the start and end of a line of text they are examining. You use them to assert where a boundary should be.

The two characters used are ^ and $.

  • ^ matches the start of a line and anchors a literal at the beginning of that line. For example:

$ matches the end of a line and anchors a literal at the end of that line.

Note that anchors characters ^ and $ match just the position of the characters in the pattern and not the actual characters themselves.

Word Boundaries are metacharacters that match the start and end position of a word – a sequence of alphanumeric characters. You can think of them as a word-based version of ^ and $. You use the metacharacters b and B to assert a word boundary.

\b matches the start or end of a word. The word is matched according to the position of the metacharacter. Here's an example:

  • \B is opposite of \b . It matches every position \b doesn't.

    Shortcodes for Other Metacharacters:

    In addition to the metacharacters we have looked at, here are some of the most commonly used ones:

    • \d – matches any decimal digit and is shorthand for [0-9].

    • \w – matches any alphanumeric character which could be a letter, a digit, or an underscore. \w is shorthand for [A-Za-z0-9_].

    • \s – matches any white space character.

    • \D – matches any non-digit and is the same as [^0-9.]

    • \W – matches any non-word (that is non-alphanumeric) character and is shorthand for [^A-Za-z0-9_].

    • \S – matches a non-white space character.

    • . – matches any character.

  • The test() method

  • The test() method compares the target text with the regex pattern and returns a boolean value accordingly. If there is a match, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.

    The exec() method

    The exec() method compares the target text with the regex pattern. If there's a match, it returns an array with the match – otherwise, it returns null.

    Also, there are string methods that accept regular expressions as a parameter like match(), replace(), replaceAll(), matchAll(), search(), and split().

  • In conclusion, Regular Expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. They allow you to search for specific patterns in a text and perform various operations, such as replacing or extracting substrings. By mastering Regular Expressions, you can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity when working with text data. However, it's important to note that Regular Expressions can be complex and require practice to become proficient. With a little patience and persistence, you can leverage this tool to streamline your workflow and tackle even the most challenging text manipulation tasks.